Tree-sitter How-to

By Gus Hogg-Blake on 26 November 2023

Edita uses a fork of tree-sitter with the following changes:

  • Fix environment detection in lib/binding_web/binding.js (the old check checked for node globals like process, which are available in the renderer process in Electron).

  • Statically link parsers in script/build-wasm to support the following langs, which use system libraries that aren’t in the main lib/binding_web/exports.json list:

    • Ruby
    • Svelte
    • Markdown


    There are two other solutions suggested in the emscripten docs:

    • add EMCC_FORCE_STDLIBS=1 and -s EXPORT_ALL=1 to the emcc command in tree-sitter

    • add missing symbols to exports.json (as described in #949)

    but neither of these worked.

    The only disadvantage of static linking is that the langs will be loaded unconditionally on startup, taking up some of the startup time that we want to use for loading common langs.

  • Add support for statically linked modules to Language.load in lib/binding_web/binding.js.



A recent version of emcc (emscripten) must also be used, in order to get this change: (use locateFile in dynamic module loader):

emcc -v # 3.1.43-git

This probably has to be installed via emsdk:

  • Clone the latest emsdk from

  • From there run:

    ./emsdk install emscripten-main-64bit
    ./emsdk activate emscripten-main-64bit

    (Not sure if emsdk requires an installation step, may need one if you get an error here).

    This will give instructions on getting the latest emcc onto $PATH.

The latest version of emcc also depends on the latest version of llvm:

./emsdk install llvm-git-main-64bit
./emsdk activate llvm-git-main-64bit

I got errors on the install step for llvm first time and had to install cmake, then run sudo ./emsdk install llvm-git-main-64bit to avoid a permissions error, then chown -R gus:gus ./llvm, then install and activate (both above commands again) without sudo.

Tools available for installation with emsdk can be seen by running ./emdsk list.

The tree-sitter scripts should now use the latest version of emcc (you’ll have to reload the shell or run the command again to get it onto $PATH).

Generating tree-sitter.wasm and tree-sitter.js

cd projects/tree-sitter
./script/build-wasm --static # add --debug to generate debug version (see below)

The --static option indicates static linking. The list of langs to statically link is hard-coded in build-wasm.

The files (tree-sitter.js and tree-sitter.wasm) are created in lib/binding_web.

Tree-sitter versions

There are two versions of tree-sitter.js and tree-sitter.wasm in /vendor/public/tree-sitter which have been generated with and without the --debug flag. The currently active pair are just called tree-sitter and the other ones have either a -debug or -minified suffix. To switch between them, run:

./scripts/tree-sitter-version # print current version
./scripts/tree-sitter-version -s # toggle between versions
./scripts/tree-sitter-version debug # activate debug
./scripts/tree-sitter-version minified # activate minified

When generating new versions, copy to /vendor/public/tree-sitter and name appropriately depending on the currently active version. (To generate the debug version, add --debug to the build-wasm command above.)

Creating language wasm files

Wasm files can be created with a non-patched tree-sitter installed as tree-sitter-cli.

git clone[lang]
npx tree-sitter build-wasm tree-sitter-[lang]

The language wasm file will be created in the current dir.


Emscripten settings: